Gospel Music Lyrics:
Pearly Gates | | I am going to a home bright and fair, And by faith its pearly gates I see: Soon I'll be among the blest over there, For the gates will open wide for me. (...song lyrics) |
| Patiently Waiting | | Long have they waited in the dark heathen lands For the pure living water from the dear Savior's hands; Still they are waiting for the gospel to come, Let us hasten to tell them of our heavenly home. (...song lyrics) |
| Peace | | Sweet peace is flowing, peace that will abide; Peace e'er increasing, Jesus will provide; Peace like a river in the time of drouth, Flowing on forever, from the sunny south. (...song lyrics) |
| Peace, Be Still | | Blessed Redeemer, I love Thee so well, Thy great salvation I never can tell; Glory to God! it is precious, I know, Washing me whiter than snow. (...song lyrics) |
| Penitence | | Weary and sad I come, Lord, to Thee, Low at Thy feet I fall; Oh, wilt Thou hear my penitent plea, As I upon Thee call? (...song lyrics) |
| Praise the Lord through every nation | | Praise the Lord through every nation; his holy arm hath wrought salvation; exalt him on his Father's throne. Praise your King, ye Christian legions, who now prepares in heavenly regions unfailing mansions for his own: with voice and minstrelsy extol his majesty: Alleluia! (...song lyrics) |